6 Presets Pack based on the drum tones of the following old school black metal albums:
- Mayhem – De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (Mayhem DeMyst)
- Darkthrone – Under A Funeral Moon (Darkthrone FuneMoon)
- Darkthrone – Transilvanian Hunger (Darkthrone Transilvanian)
- Emperor – In The Nightside Eclipse (Emperor NightEclipse)
- Immortal – Pure Holocaust (Immor Pure)
- Ulver – Nattens madrigal: Aatte hymne til ulven i manden (Ulver Nattens)
SDX Used:
- Metal Foundry SDX (Darkthrone FuneMoon, Darkthrone Transilvanian, Emperor NightEclipse, Immor Pure, Ulver Nattens)
- Death&Darkness SDX (Mayhem DeMyst, Emperor NightEclipse)